Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Did You Know?

· 75% of children did not disclose within a year of the first incident and 18% waited 5 years
· Almost 3-quarters of children did not reveal abuse when first questioned
· Persons under 18 years of age account for 67% of all sexual assault
· Children under 12 years of age account for 34%
· Children under 6 years of age account for 1 of every victims (14%) of the cases
· 90% of the rapes of children younger than 12, the child knew the offender
· 1 and 4 girls and 1 and 6 boys will be sexually assaulted by age 18
· Teens 16 to 19 are 3 ½ times more likely to be victims of rape than general population
· Girls are raped far more than boys at the rate of 1.6 per 1000 compared to 0.4 per 1000 for boys
· 74% of sexual abuse disclosures are accidental
· 23,000 men are forcibly raped or sexually assaulted each year in the United States
· 10% of female rape or sexual assault victims identified an intimate as the offender, 57% of rapes and sexual assaults came at the hands of a person the female victim called a friend or acquaintance and 2% were identified as a relative
· 37% of female prison inmates and 14% male inmates were once victims of child abuse
· Children exposed to sexual abuse are more than 3.8 times more likely to become drug users
· An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exists in America today
· 40% are abused by older or larger children whom they know
· 10% are abused by strangers
· The median age for reported abuse is 9 years old

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